Perra sobrevivió a 17 disparos y ahora ayuda a personas con problemas emocionales

A Maggie, de 5 años, la hallaron embarazada, atada a una caja y con balas en todo su cuerpo, en Líbano. Además, tenía una oreja cortada y la mandíbula rota.

La persona que encontró a Maggie publicó su historia en redes, y esta llegó hasta Kasey Carlin, una británica que ama a los animales. Hace 6 meses, ella inició una campaña para recaudar fondos y trasladar a la perra hasta su ciudad, Brighton, informó The Argus, un periódico local.

Maggie, que quedó ciega a raíz del maltrato que sufrió, fue operada en el Líbano antes de viajar a Reino Unido, donde por primera vez tocó el pasto, informó el medio.

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Kasey manifestó al diario que, a pesar de toda la tortura que padeció Maggie, ella “nunca lastimó a nadie” y es muy “amorosa”. De hecho, ahora se dedica a la canoterapia, una técnica que “busca la rehabilitación de personas con discapacidad física, mental o problemas emocionales”, a través de la compañía de perros adiestrados, señaló el portal Kinemed.

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“Do you love me as much as my new friends...?” - Maggie #bemoremaggie • • • Well what a week it has been! First off I’m sorry for the sad video yesterday I just feel like we have this platform and I need to use it for good. If you would like to donate to help Maggie’s charity there is a link in my bio. @wild_at_heart_foundation So what’s happened this week? Well Maggie and I had a meeting with a very amazing woman. We went on a little stroll with this mystery lady (and her two sausage dogs) scheming up something I know you are going to LOVE! I won’t tell you what it is but I will give you a hint... she’ll need to sign it with her PAW-tograph. I can’t wait to hear your guess! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Also we have been practicing for our first school visit as a therapy dog. Our practice includes me talking to myself in the mirror and Maggie standing there and looking cute. It comes so naturally to Mags, she doesn’t even need to practice. I also took the girls to see their favourite friend Anne at our local care home! Biscuits were eaten and cuddles were given, what more could a dog want? Then we ended the day by meeting up with this lovely group of youngster. Maggie is so patience and gentle which still amazes me after everything’s she has been through. So that’s our week in a nutshell! Hope you have an awesome weekend... and enjoy this little video of cute kids loving our Maggie! • • • #rescuepups #rescuepup #whorescuedwho #muttsofinstagram #muttlove #instamutt #disableddog #differentlyabled #noeyesnoproblem #rescuepetsofinstagram #rescuepets #seniorpets #seniordog #seniordogs #dogsofinstagram #cutedogvideos #cutedogvideos #cutepuppies #cutepuppyvideos #happydog #happydogs #happydoglife #happydoghappylife #animalsmakemehappy #animalsarefriends #blinddogs #blinddogsofinstagram #blinddog #sofluffy

Una publicación compartida por Cute Happy Disabled Rescue Dog (@maggiethewunderdog) el

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